This intermediate workshop was given by Jorge Sanz on September 21, 2016 at GEOSTAT 2016. As taught, it was 3h hours long.



  • A modern browser (Google Chrome would be perfect)
  • Postman if you want to play with CARTO APIs, but you can use curl or any other decent HTTP client (desirable)
  • A HTML/JavaScript capable text editor like Notepad++, gedit, sublime text, atom, etc (optional)

Map Academy, tutorials and other online resources

You can take a look on those resources if you want to warm up with CARTO

Further questions and troubleshooting

  • Email to
  • Some questions could be already anwered at GIS Stack Exchange carto tag.


Accounts set up

  • The instructor will provide you a user and passwor to access your account
  • Log into your geostatXX account going to

Introduction to CARTO

Slides available here


The Builder is the new main web interface to interact with the CARTO platform. It’s a product aimed to everyone willing to manage, analyze and visualize geospatial information. It’s highly focused on usability, with a friendly graphical interface that unlocks all the power of the CARTO Engine without having to know all the details on underlying technologies such as PostGIS or CartoCSS.

Simple exercise: San Francisco tree map

  • Degree of Difficulty: **
  • Goal: Display the different kinds of trees in San Francisco and when they were planted.
  • Features Highlighted:
    • Widgets: Category and time-series widget.
  • Datasests needed:

1. Import and create map

1. 1. Import the Street Tree List as a csv file into your dataset dashboard.
  • Download the dataset as a CSV
  • Go to your account and import is using the NEW DATASET wizard
1. 2. Dataset view
  • Take a look on the dataset
  • Switch between the metadata and the SQL view, try any simple query like limiting the result.
  • Take a look on the spatial distribution using the PREVIEW window.

1. 3. Click on CREATE MAP from the Street Tree List dataset.

  • Change the name of the map to San Francisco Trees

Warning: after renaming a layer a error could pop up saying “the map cannot be rendered”, don’t worry about this. Refresh the page and it will dissapear.

2. Layers and styles

2. 1. Ordering of the layers in the Builder
  • Change the basemap to the dark_matter (labels below) basemap and check the different basemaps options.

  • Note how the layer we added gets the a0 identifier. This is not important now but it will be later when adding analysis and widgets.

2. 2. Layer options
  • DATA:
    • This interface gives a general view of the fields the layer, its name and its data type but also from there you can add them as widgets.
    • Switch to VALUES to SQL. The SQL panel allows more advanced users to manage data in a more precise way.
    • Finally, use the button in the bottom center of the map to switch between the table and the map view.
  • STYLE:
    • In the Aggregation menu, select the None option.
    • In the Fill options, select the By Value option and then choose the common_species option to color the dots depending on the values of the common_species values.
    • Change the size of the dots to 3 and change the stroke value of the points to 0.


  • POP-UPS:
    • Select the Hover tab and the light style for the hover infowindow.
    • In the Show Items section of the hover menu, select the common_species field and change its name to Common Species.
    • By doing this, a pop-up will appear when we hover over the points on the map.


3. Widgets

3. 1. Category Widget
  • Back to the main menu, select the WIDGETS tab and select the ADD WIDGET.
  • In the options of the Category tab, select the common_species and caretaker checkboxes in order to have widgets that display the different categories of the common_species and caretaker fields. Click CONTINUEto add the widgets on the map.


3. 2. Time series widget
  • Back to the main menu, select the WIDGETS tab and select the ADD WIDGET.
  • In the options of the Time-series tab, select the plant_date checkbox in order to display the dates were the trees were planted. Click CONTINUEto add the widgets on the map.


3. 3. Change order and name of widgets
  • Back to the main menu, select the WIDGETS tab to see a list with the widgets that we have added.
  • We can drag and drop the widgets in the widget menu to change their order.


  • We can change the name of our widgets by selecting the rename option of the widget menu or by doing a double click on the widget name in the widgets menu.


  • Change the name of the common_species widget to Common Species, the name of the caretaker widget to Caretaker and the name of the plant_date widget to Plant Date.


4. Share map

  • At the bottom of the main menu, click the Share button.
  • Select the Publish tab and click on the Publish button that is below the Map title in order to share our map.


  • After clicking the Publish button, we can select the option that we want to share our map.


Analysis exercise: sales territories

  • Degree of Difficulty: ***.
  • Goal: Find the best place to create a store near the customers.
  • Features Highlighted:
    • Analysis: Cluster Analysis, Weight Centroid Analysis, Area of influence analysis and Filter Points in polygons analysis.
    • Widgets: Formula widget and histogram widget.
  • Datasests needed:

1. Import and create map

1. 1. Import customer_home_locations csv.
  • Use the NEW DATASET wizard to import the table.
1. 2. Click on CREATE MAP from the customer_home_locations.
1. 3. Rename customer_home_locations to Customer home locations and change the title of the map to Sales Territories (Portland) Demo.

Warning: after renaming a layer a error could pop up saying “the map cannot be rendered”, don’t worry about this. Refresh the page and it will dissapear.

  • You should have a dashboard like this:


2. Layer styling: first view

On this example we will start with a single color styling and fixed marker size.

  • Change the fill color to #cc1035 and set the size of the markers to 7.
  • Set the stroke of the points to 0.
  • Switch to VALUES to CARTOCSS. Take a look on the CartoCSS properties and try to change any of them like increasing the width of the marker.


3. Analysis

3. 1. Cluster Analysis
  • Back to the main menu of the layers, select the customer_home_locations layer and click on ADD ANALYSIS option.

  • From the analysis menu, select the Calculate cluster points analysis and click on ADD ANALYSIS.


  • In the ANALYSES tab of the layer, we have three sections:
    • Workflow: Is an overview of the analysis that we apply to the layer, so you can have more than one. The analysis should have the name A1 to indicate that is the first analysis applied to the layer.
    • Source: asks for the geometry where we will calculate the cluster of the customer_home_locations layer.
    • Parameters: Define the number of possible stores that you want. We set the number of clusters to 6.


  • After clicking Apply, CARTO will return the result of the Calculate cluster points analysis. After finishing the analysis, CARTO will return the same number of points on the map, but with an extra column called cluster_no.
  • In order to have a better understanding of the result of the Calculate cluster points analysis and see how the points are grouped, we should change the fill option of the points (in the Style tab) according to the value of the cluster_no column using the BY VALUE option:


3. 2. Weight Centroid Analysis
  • We will apply the analysis to the result of the Calculate cluster points analysis, so we will go back to the main menu and we will click on the ADD ANALYSIS option of the customer_home_locations layer.
  • We will select the Find centroid of geometries analysis.


  • In the ANALYSES tab of the layer, we have two sections:
    • Workflow: Now, because we are applying a second analysis to the customer_home_locations layer, the workflow has changed. A1 represent the cluster analysis, but now we have a new analysis named A2 to indicate that is the second analysis applied to the layer.
    • Centroid:
      • Source: we indicate that we are using as the source, the results from the Calculate cluster points analysis. The source is not the original points of the layer, but the points that we got after the Calculate cluster points analysis.
    • Parameters: to set how we want to calculate the centroids of the cluster data. We will select the Categorized by option using the cluster_no column, we will also select the Aggregated by parameter to aggregate the result using the average of the customer_value column and finally we will select the Weigthted by parameter using the customer_value column to indicate the column that we want to use to calculate the centroids of the clustered regions.


  • After clicking Apply, we should see a result where we can see the centroids of the clustered areas from the Cluster Analysis


3. 2. 1. Improve visualization
  • We could style our resulting points by changing the size and the color according to the resulting aggregated values.


  • We also could add a popup to the layer, so for each point we can display its value. In order to do this we go to the Popup tab and we select the hover option to display the popup when we mouse over the centroids. We select the column value to display its values in the popup. We also will change the name that will be displayed on the popup to AVG. CUSTOMER VALUE.


  • Back to the main menu, in the Layers tab,we drag and drop the Cluster node analysis outside of the layer (layer A1) to create a new data layer with the customer locations (layer B).By doing this, we will have on the map a layer with the clustered points and a layer with their centroids.


  • Now, we change the name of the layers. The name of Layer A will be Centroids and the name of layer B will be Customer Locations. Then, we change the style of the Customer Locations layer using the values from the column cluster_no in order to style the points depending on the cluster they belong to.


3. 3. Area of influence analysis
  • We will apply the analysis to the result of the Centroid Analysis.We will go back to the main menu and we will click on the ADD ANALYSIS option of the Centroids layer (A).
  • We will select the Create areas of influence analysis.


  • In the ANALYSES tab of the layer, we have three sections:
    • Workflow: Now, because we are applying a third analysis to the Centroids layer, the workflow has changed. A1 represent the cluster analysis, A2 represent the Centroid analysis and A3 indicates the third analysis applied to the layer.
    • Create areas of influence:
      • Input: we indicate that we are using as the input, the results from the Centroid analysis. The input is not the original points of the layer, but the points that we got after the Centroid analysis.
    • Parameters: define the distance of the area of influence, the type of units, the radius and the boundaries. The boundaries might be intact or dissolved. If we choose the intact option, that means that if our areas of influence polygons overlap, then they will keep their original polygon borders. On the other hand, if we choose the dissolve option, if the areas of influence polygons overlap, they will be merged so the result will be one big polygon. We set the units to kilometres, set the radius to 1 kilometre and choose the intact option for the boundaries parameter.
  • After clicking Apply, we should see a result where we can see the areas of influence of 100 meters around the subway stations:


3. 3. 1. Improve visualization
  • Back to the main menu, in the Layerstab,we drag and drop the Area of influence node analysis outside of layer (A3) to create a new Data layer with the areas of influence (C). The new layer (C) will have the same name as the layer A, we will change the name of layer C to Areas of Influence.


3. 4. Filter Points in polygons analysis
  • We will apply the analysis to the Areas of Influence layer, so we click ADD ANALYSIS option of that layer and we select the Filter points in polygons option.


  • In the ANALYSES tab of the layer, we have two sections:
    • Workflow: Now, because we are applying a second analysis to the Areas of Influence layer, the workflow has changed. B1 represent the area of influence analysis, but now we have a new analysis named B2 to indicate that is the second analysis applied to the layer.
    • Filter points in polygons:
      • Source: we indicate that we are using as the source, the results from the area of influence analysis. The source is not the original points of the layer, but the polygons that we got after the area of influence analysis.
      • Target Layer: is the Clusters layer (B1).
  • After clicking Apply, we should see a result where instead of the circles we had before on our Areas of Influence Layer, we should have now points referring to customers within those Areas of Influence. The result is indicating the customers that are closer to the stores.


4. Widgets

4. 1. Formula widget
  • Back to the main menu, select the WIDGETS tab and select the ADD WIDGET option.
  • In the options of the Formula tab, select the cartodb_idcolumn of the B1 layer and we click on CONTINUE.


  • In the widget menu, we set the OPERATION parameter to count and we change the name of the widget to Total Customers.


  • Back to the main menu, select the WIDGETS tab and select the ADD WIDGET option.
  • In the options of the Formula tab, select the cartodb_id of the C2 layer.


  • In the widget menu, we set the OPERATION parameter to count and we change the name of the widget to Customers within Areas of influence.


4. 2. Histogram widget
  • Back to the main menu, select the WIDGETS tab and select the ADD WIDGET option.
  • In the options of the Histogram tab, select the customer_value of the B1 layer and we click on CONTINUE.


  • We should get a “U shape” histogram:


  • Go back to the main menu, and filter your map with the histogram. Watch how the map changes !


Analysis exercise: railways risk analysis

  • Degree of Difficulty: ***
  • Goal: what US counties have higher risk for insuring railroad companies.
  • Features Highlighted:
    • Widgets: Category, Formula and Time Series.
    • Analysis: Intersect, Outliers & Cluster analysis.
  • Datasests needed:
    • Railroad accidents (dot_rail_safety_data): download it from the builder-demo CARTO account and import it into CARTO from your local machine.
    • US counties (cb_2013_us_county_500k): search and connect via Data Library.

1. Import and create a map

  • Import the dot_rail_safety_data csv file into your dataset dashboard.
  • Create a new map with it
  • You should have a dashboard like this:


2. Style layer

  • FILL: click on the marker size, select BY VALUE, set total_damage as the variable and choose a color.
  • Change the STROKE to 0.
  • Switch to VALUES to CARTOCSS. With the CartoCSS panel advanced users are allowed to layer style in a more precise way.

Switch to the CartoCSS view and check how the quantitative map has been defined. You’ll see a ramp() function. This is TurboCarto, our CartoCSS processor that helps creating parametric symbolization based on column values. Learn more about TurboCarto in this awesome blog post by our senior cartographer Mamata Akella.


3. Add widgets

3. 1. Back to the main menu, select WIDGETS
    • Railroad Companies Category Widget: select Category, choose railroad, and click on CONTINUE. In order to rename the widget, come back to the list of widgets and double click on the name and rename it as “Railroad Companies”.
      • Take a look on how CARTO Builder sets a connection between vizualization and widgets. This connection is bidirectional, the map changes widgets values and clicking on categories changes the map.
      • Click on the Auto style droplet button to see how each dot is colored according to its category.
      • Disable the Auto style to come back to the default visualization.


  • Total Damage Formula Widget: select Formula, choose total_damage, and click on CONTINUE and set OPERATION to sum and add $ as PREFIX. In order to rename the widget, come back to the list of widgets and double click on the name and rename it as “Total damage”.
    • Again, experimient with the connection between visualization and widgets.
    • Try to filter by company and see how the total damage widget is updated automatically.
    • Change the order of the widgets, you can prioritize visually one over another.


  • Date Time Series Widget: select Time Series, choose date, and click on CONTINUE in order to rename the widget.


4. Add US counties layer, start the analysis

4. 1. Back to the main menu, select LAYERS, then ADD
  • Click on DATA LIBRARY, type “counties” on the SEARCH bar, select the cb_2013_us_county_500k dataset and finally, click on ADD LAYER.
  • Rename the new layer to “US Counties”.
4. 2. Click on “US Counties” layer, ANALYSES, ADD ANALYSIS
  • Select Intersect second layer: this analysis performs a spatial intersection and aggregates the geometry values from the target layer that intersect with the geometry of the source layer..
    • Select “Railroad accidents” as TARGET LAYER and SUM(total_damage) as OPERATION. Apply.
    • When the analysis is done, an explanatory window will pop up. Click on DONE.

Warning: if you have not run this analysis before, you could encounter a well known bug. This consist on that instead of polygons, you get points. You can get the right geometry changing the style of the layer.

  • First, using the map take a look on the results of the analysis: only the counties overlapping with data points are showed. Secondly, go to the dataset view to show the new column created with the previous analysis, sum_total_damage.


  • Sum Total Damage Histogram Widget: from the same DATA section, check the Add as a widget box of the sum_total_damage field and EDIT. This will create a new histogram widget. Set the buckets to 7 and rename it as “Sum Total Damage”.

  • Use the autostyling and removing the visibility of the “Railroad accidents” layer. Remove auto style again. Go back to the main menu.


5. Continue the analysis, get outliers and clusters

5. 1. Click on ADD ANALYSIS just below “US Counties”
  • Select Detect outliers and clusters: this analysis finds areas in your data where clusters of high values or low values exist, as well as areas which are dissimilar from their neighbors.
    • Select sum_total_damage as TARGET COLUMN and leave the rest of parameters with the default values. Apply.
    • Again, when the analysis is done, an explanatory window will pop up. Click on DONE.
  • First, using the map show the viewer the results of the analysis: only the counties considered by the analysis as outliers or clusters are showed. Secondly, go to the dataset view to show the new columns created with the previous analysis, quad is the column more interesting because contains the groups that the analysis has made:

  • HH and LL: clusters of high or low values surrounded by similar values
  • HL and LH: outliers of high or low values surrounded by opposite values


  • We are going to add a last widget, Sum Total Damage Histogram Widget: click on WIDGETS, ADD, Category and select quads. CONTINUE. Rename it as “Groups”.

  • Filter by HH and HL counties. Those are counties with high value of total damage surrounded by counties with also high values, and counties with high value of total damage surrounded by counties with low values. Click on Auto style to better distinguish them. Remove the auto style.


6. Share and export your results

6. 1. Back to the main menu, click on the three dots on the “US Counties” layer
  • Select Export data, choose CSV.
  • Open (with Excel or another similar software) the csv file you just download US_Counties.csv. Collapse the_geom column. You should have 39 counties/rows, containing only HH and HL values.


6. 2. Back to the main menu, show the publish dialogs
  • Below the map title it should show PRIVATE, ADD PEOPLE and Map not published yet. Let’s change that.
    • First, click on PRIVATE, and again. Select Link.
    • Secondly, click on SHARE (at the bottom of the main menu). Click on PUBLISH, and then DONE.
    • Get the link and past it into your browser.

The dashboard should show your “Railroad accidents” as green dots with sizes depending on the total damage. In addition, all the groups of counties will be displayed. This is because the filters and auto styling you did, it is not applied. Finally, you will have four widgets but in different order.


  • Back to the main menu, click on “US Counties” layer. Go to the STYLE tab. Style the layer with a FILL BY VALUE. Select quads as variable and choose a couple of colors that can be easily distinguished.
  • Click again on SHARE and now in UPDATE.
  • Now if you go back to your browser tab where you have pasted the link nothing has changed. But if you refresh the page, voilá! The colors have modified.



Spatial SQL

On this section you’ll have the chance to test some of the most common PostGIS SQL procedures. To follow this section you only need to open a browser pointing to this url: and change the Maps API entry point to

From that point, you can place any valid query on the SQL panel that plays with the following datasets from Natural Earth

  • ne_50m_land
  • ne_adm0_europe
  • ne_10m_populated_places_simple

Over different examples we’ll see how to make buffers, intersect or calculate lines between different features of those tables. You can paste the SQL presented on the panel, make changes and see how it works saving them using Control+S or Command+S depending on your operating system.

If no data shows on your map open the developer console and look for any errors. Usually when there’s an error on your SQL statement the API will return a message that may help on finding the issue.

This section assumes some basic knowledge on SQL. If you need a bit more of help on the basics of this language take a look on this workshop, there’s a section on simple SQL queries.


  • Transform to a different projection
  • Get the number of points inside a polygon
  • Know wether a geometry is within the given range from another geometry:
  • Create a buffer from points:
  • Get the difference between two geometries:
  • Create a straight line between two points:
  • Create great circles between two points:
  • Generating Grids with CDB functions

Transform to a different projection

  ST_Transform(the_geom, 54030) AS the_geom_webmercator

About working with different projections in CARTO and ST_Transform.

Get the number of points inside a polygon


  count(*) AS pp_count,
  sum(p.pop_max) as sum_pop
  ne_adm0_europe e
  ne_10m_populated_places_simple p
  ST_Intersects(p.the_geom, e.the_geom)


  a.admin AS name,
  counts.number_cities AS pp_count,
  ne_adm0_europe a
      count(*) as number_cities,
      sum(pop_max) as sum_pop
      ne_10m_populated_places_simple b
      ST_Intersects(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)
  ) AS counts

About ST_Intersects and Lateral JOIN

Note: Add this piece of CartoCSS at the end so you have a nice coropleth map:

#layer['mapnik::geometry_type'=3] {
  line-width: 0;
  polygon-fill: ramp([pp_count], ("#edd9a3","#f99178","#ea4f88","#a431a0","#4b2991"), quantiles(5));

This is using the new turbo-carto feature on CARTO to allow creating ramps from data without having to put the styles directly

Note: You know about the EXPLAIN ANALYZE function? use it to take a look on how both queries are pretty similar in terms of performance.

Know wether a geometry is within the given range from another geometry:

  ne_10m_populated_places_simple a,
  ne_10m_populated_places_simple b
    a.cartodb_id != b.cartodb_id
  AND ST_DWithin(
  AND a.adm0name = 'Spain'
  AND b.adm0name = 'Spain'

In this case, we are using the_geom_webmercator to avoid casting to geography type. Calculations made with geometry type takes the CRS units.

Keep in mind that CRS units in webmercator are not meters, and they depend directly on the latitude.

About ST_DWithin.

Create a buffer from points:

    ST_Buffer(the_geom::geography, 250000)::geometry
  ) AS the_geom_webmercator
  name ilike 'trondheim'

Compare the result with

    ST_Buffer(the_geom, 2)
  ) AS the_geom_webmercator
  name ilike 'trondheim'

Why this is not a circle?

About ST_Buffer.

Get the difference between two geometries:

  ) AS the_geom_webmercator
  ne_50m_land a,
  ne_adm0_europe b
  b.adm0_a3 like 'ESP'

About ST_Difference.

Create a straight line between two points:

  ) as the_geom_webmercator
    SELECT * FROM ne_10m_populated_places_simple
    WHERE name ILIKE 'madrid'
  ) as a,
    SELECT * FROM ne_10m_populated_places_simple
    WHERE name ILIKE 'barcelona'AND adm0name ILIKE 'spain'
  ) as b

About ST_MakeLine.

Create great circles between two points:

  ) as the_geom_webmercator
  (SELECT * FROM ne_10m_populated_places_simple
  WHERE name ILIKE 'madrid') as a,
  (SELECT * FROM ne_10m_populated_places_simple
  WHERE name ILIKE 'new york') as b

About Great Circles.

Generating Grids with CDB functions

Rectangular grid
  row_number() over () as cartodb_id,
  ) AS the_geom_webmercator
  adm0_a3 IN ('ITA','GBR')

About CDB_RectangleGrid

Adaptative Hexagonal grid
WITH grid AS (
    row_number() over () as cartodb_id,
      ST_Buffer(the_geom_webmercator, 100000),
    ) AS the_geom_webmercator
    adm0_a3 IN ('ESP','ITA')
  grid, ne_adm0_europe a
  a.adm0_a3 IN ('ESP','ITA') AND

About CDB_HexagonGrid

Exploring CARTO Engine APIs

This section covers the basic usage of main CARTO Engine APIs. Using a software called Postman you’ll be able to experiment with the different APIs and see how to interact directly with the platform. This is specially useful if you are going to do it from a different environment than JavaScript, as it will be covered on the last part of this workshop.

Setting up your environment:

  • Open your Postman installation (normally a Google Chrome extension)
  • Install a new collection from this link
  • Download the environment provided by the instructor (see the shared notes doc)


This is the API to interact directly with your database. You can perform not just any SELECT query but also create tables, add triggers and functions.

Maps API

The Maps API is the rendering engine for CARTO. This API needs in essence a query and a cartographic symbology definition to render tiles to be used on your web mapping applications. When datasets are public (as in Free accounts) you can specify queries and CartoCSS directly on your call. When private datasets are involved, then you need to define a template and give it a name to be instantiated by the final users.

Import API

To upload bulk data to CARTO you need to use the Import API. This provides mechanisms to upload files or define the url from where CARTO will fetch your data and create tables on your account.

Webmapping apps with CARTO.js


CARTO.js is the JavaScript library that allows to create web mapping apps using CARTO services quickly and efficiently. It’s built upon the following components:

Know more about CARTO.js on the official documentation and this academy tutorial.

Next sections and an excerpt of the documentation with the most useful methods and a the end you’ll find live examples of them that you can modify and hack in real time.

Create Visualizations and Layers


The most basic way to display your map from CARTO.js involves a call to:

cartodb.createVis(div_id, viz_json_url)

Couched between the <script> ... </script> tags, createVis puts a map and CartoDB data layers into the DOM element you specify. In the snippet below we assume that <div id='map'></div> placed earlier in an HTML file.

window.onload = function() {
  var vizjson = 'link from share panel';
  cartodb.createVis('map', vizjson);

And that’s it! All you need is that snippet of code, a script block that sources CARTO.js, and inclusion of the CARTO.js CSS file. It’s really one of the easiest ways to create a custom map on your webpage. createVis also accepts options that you specifiy outside of the CartoDB Editor. They take the form of a JS object, and can be passed as a third optional argument.

var options = {
  center: [40.4000, -3.6833], // Madrid
  zoom: 7,
  scrollwheel: true

cartodb.createVis('map', vizjson, options);


If you want to exercise more control over the layers and base map, createLayer may be the best option for you. You specifiy the base map yourself and load the layer from one or multiple viz.json files. Unlike createVis, createLayer needs a map object, such as one created by Google Maps or Leaflet. This difference allows for more control of the basemap for the JavaScript/HTML you’re writing.

A basic Leaflet map without your data can be created as follows:

window.onload = function() {
  // Choose center and zoom level
  var options = {
    center: [41.8369, -87.6847], // Chicago
    zoom: 7

  // Instantiate map on specified DOM element
  var map = new L.Map(dom_id, options);

  // Add a basemap to the map object just created
  L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    attribution: 'Stamen'

The map we just created doesn’t have any CartoDB data layers yet. If you’re just adding a single layer, you can put your data on top of the basemap from above. If you want to add more, you just repeat the process. We’ll be doing much more with this later. This is the basic snippet to put your data on top of the map you just created. Drop this in below the L.tileLayer section.

var vizjson = 'link from share panel';
cartodb.createLayer(map, vizjson).addTo(map);

UI Functions


A tooltip is an infowindow that appears when you hover your mouse over a map feature with vis.addOverlay(options). A tooltip appears where the mouse cursor is located on the map.

To add a tooltip to a map you need to do two steps:

First, define tooltip variable:

  var tooltip = layer.leafletMap.viz.addOverlay({
            type: 'tooltip',
            layer: layer,
            template: '<div class="cartodb-tooltip-content-wrapper"><p>{{name}}</p></div>',
            width: 200,
            position: 'bottom|right',
            fields: [{ name: 'name' }]

Second, add tooltip to the map:



Infowindows provide additional interactivity for your published map, controlled by layer events. It enables interaction and overrides the layer interactivity. A pop-up information window appears when a viewer clicks on a map feature.

In order to add the CARTO.js infowindow you need to add this line within your code:

cdb.vis.Vis.addInfowindow(map, layer, ['fields']);

However, you can create custom infowindows with different tools (Moustache.js, HTML or underscore.js). Whatever choice you make, you would need to create a template first and then add the infowindow with the template. Here we will see how to do it using Moustache.js.

Mustache.js is a logic-less logic-template. That means that only tags you create templates that are replaced with a value or series of values, it works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in a hash or object.

Example: Custom infowindow template to display cartodb_id:

  <script type="infowindow/html" id="infowindow_template">
    <div class="cartodb-popup v2">
  <a href="#close" class="cartodb-popup-close-button close">x</a>
  <div class="cartodb-popup-content-wrapper">
    <div class="cartodb-popup-content">
  <div class="cartodb-popup-tip-container"></div>

Then you can apply the custom infowindow template to the map with:

          map, layer, [columnName],
             infowindowTemplate: $('#infowindow_template').html()


In order to add legends with CARTO.js you would need to define the elements and colors of the legend with HTML, then you could use the legend classes of CARTO.js to create the legends.

There are two kind of legend classes:

First, cartodb-legend choropleth, applied in Choropleth maps:

<div class='cartodb-legend choropleth'>
    <div class="legend-title">Population</div>
        <li class="min">
        <li class="max">
        <li class="graph count_441">
        <div class="colors">
        <div class="quartile" style="background-color:#FFFFB2"></div>
        <div class="quartile" style="background-color:#FED976"></div>
        <div class="quartile" style="background-color:#FEB24C"></div>
        <div class="quartile" style="background-color:#FD8D3C"></div>
        <div class="quartile" style="background-color:#FC4E2A"></div>
        <div class="quartile" style="background-color:#E31A1C"></div>
        <div class="quartile" style="background-color:#B10026"></div>

Second, cartodb-legend category, applied in simple or category maps:

    <div class='cartodb-legend category'>
      <div class="legend-title" style="color:#284a59">Countries</div>
          <li><div class="bullet" style="background-color:#fbb4ae"></div>Spain</li>
          <li><div class="bullet" style="background-color:#ccebc5"></div>Portugal</li>
          <li><div class="bullet" style="background-color:#b3cde3"></div>France</li>


Each example points to a real time viewer showcasing a different procedure using CARTO.js. Feel free to change and play with the code and refresh the webpage to return to the initial state.

Loading maps:

Changing the visualization:

Layer interactivity:

Advanced examples: