General Concepts

The CARTO Python SDK implements these public CARTO APIs:

As well as other non-public APIs. Non-public APIs may change in the future and will throw a warnings.warn message when used.

Please be aware if you plan to run them on a production environment.

Use the reference for a list of non-public APIs implemented.


The CARTO Python client relies on a Python REST client called pyrestcli.

pyrestcli allows you to define data models, with a syntax that is derived from Django’s model framework, that you can use directly against REST APIs

Resources and Managers

The CARTO Python client is built upon two main concepts: Resource and Manager

  • Resource represent your model, according to the schema of the data available on the server for a given API.
  • Manager is a utility class to create Resource instances.

Each API implemented by the CARTO Python client provides a Manager and a Resource.

With a Manager instance you can:

  • Get a resource given its id
resource = manager.get(resource_id)
  • Create a new resource
resource = manager.create({id: "resource_id", prop_a: "test"})
  • Retrieve all the resources
resources = manager.all()
  • Get a filtered list of resources (search_args: To be translated into ?arg1=value1&arg2=value2…)
resources = manager.filter(**search_args)

With a Resource instance you can:

  • Save the resource instance (equivalent to update the resource)
  • Delete the resource instance
  • Refresh the resource instance

The CARTO Python client’s Managers and Resources extend both classes, so please refer to the reference for additional methods available.

Types of resources

The CARTO Python client provides three different types of Resources with different features:

  • AsyncResource: Used for API requests that are asynchronous, as the Batch SQL API.

AsyncResources work in this way. First you create the asynchronous job in the server:


Second, you start a loop refreshing the async_resource and checking the state of the job created in the server (depending on the API requested, the ‘state’ value may change):

  while async_resource.state in ("enqueued", "pending", "uploading",
                                 "unpacking", "importing", "guessing"):

Finally, you check the state to know the status of the job in the server:

  status = async_resource.state
  # do what it takes depending on the status
  • WarnAsyncResource: This type of Resource is an AsyncResource of a non-public API, so it will throw warnings whenever you try to use it.
  • WarnResource: This type of Resource is a regular Resource of a non-public API, so it will throw warnings whenever you try to use it.

The use of WarnAsyncResource and WarnResource is totally discouraged for production environments, since non-public APIs may change without prior advice.


A Field class represent an attribute of a Resource class.

The Field class is meant to be subclassed every time a new specific data type wants to be defined.

Fields are a very handy way to parse a JSON coming from the REST API and store real Python objects on the Resource

The list of available fields is:

  • Field: This default Field simply stores the value in the instance as it comes, suitable for basic types such as integers, chars, etc.
  • BooleanField: Convenient class to make explicit that an attribute will store booleans
  • IntegerField: Convenient class to make explicit that an attribute will store integers
  • FloatField: Convenient class to make explicit that an attribute will store floats
  • CharField: Convenient class to make explicit that an attribute will store chars
  • DateTimeField: Field to store datetimes in resources
  • DictField: Convenient class to make explicit that an attribute will store a dictionary
  • ResourceField: Field to store resources inside other resources

The CARTO Python client provides additional instances of ResourceField:

  • VisualizationField
  • TableField
  • UserField
  • EntityField
  • PermissionField


All the Exceptions of the CARTO Python client are wrapped into the CartoException class.

Please refer to the reference for more information about concrete error codes and exceptions.