CARTO Mobile SDK supports both geocoding and reverse geocoding and both are available in online and offline modes. Offline geocoding requires that you download special offline data package through Package Manager, see chapter above for more about this.
Mobile SDK supports the following geocoding features:
CARTO Online geocoding is an API wrapper to external online service provider. CARTO does not currently provide own service, so SDK has built-in support for Mapbox, TomTom and Pelias (former MapZen) online geocoding APIs. For all these services you need either a token or an API key from the service provider, or you can use custom URL to connect to your on-premises instance.
The following sample uses TomTom service, but Mapbox and Pelias services can be used instead by replacing TomTomOnlineGeocodingService
with PeliasOnlineGeocodingService
or MapboxOnlineGeocodingService
The resulting GeocodingResultVector
is just a list of results, you can loop through it as you would with any other list. From your GeocodingResult
objects, you can find name
, locality
, country
etc. properties and display them to the user.
Note: As the service is making web requests, then you should NOT call CalculateAddresses
from your UI thread.
TomTomOnlineGeocodingService service = new TomTomOnlineGeocodingService("<your-tomtom-key>");
GeocodingRequest request = new GeocodingRequest(mapView.getOptions().getBaseProjection(), "Fifth Avenue, New York");
// Note: Geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
GeocodingResultVector results = service.calculateAddresses(request);
var service = new TomTomOnlineGeocodingService("<your-tomtom-key>");
var request = new GeocodingRequest(mapView.Options.BaseProjection, "Fifth Avenue, New York");
// Note: Geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
GeocodingResultVector results = service.CalculateAddresses(request);
NTTomTomOnlineGeocodingService* service = [[NTTomTomOnlineGeocodingService alloc] initWithApiKey:@"<your-tomtom-key>"];
NTProjection* projection = [[self.mapView getOptions] getBaseProjection];
NTGeocodingRequest* request = [[NTGeocodingRequest alloc] initWithProjection:projection query:@"text"];
// Note: Geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
NTGeocodingResultVector* results = [service calculateAddresses:request];
let service = NTTomTomOnlineGeocodingService(apiKey: "<your-tomtom-key>")
let request = NTGeocodingRequest(projection: self.contentView.map.getOptions().getBaseProjection(), query: "Fifth Avenue, New York")
// Note: Geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
let results = self.service.calculateAddresses(request)
val service = TomTomOnlineGeocodingService("<your-tomtom-key>")
val request = GeocodingRequest(map.options.baseProjection, "Fifth Avenue, New York")
// Note: Geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
val results = service!!.calculateAddresses(request)
Like online geocoding, online reverse geocoding is available through multiple online service providers. SDK has built-in support for Mapbox, TomTom and Pelias (former MapZen) reverse geocoders.
For these services you need to get a token or an API key from the service provider, or use custom URL as optional method for on-premises servers.
The following sample uses TomTom service, but Mapbox and Pelias services can be used instead by replacing TomTomOnlineReverseGeocodingService
with PeliasOnlineReverseGeocodingService
or MapboxOnlineReverseGeocodingService
Note: As the service is making web requests, then you should NOT call CalculateAddresses
from your UI thread.
ReverseGeocodingService service = new TomTomOnlineReverseGeocodingService("<your-tomtom-token>");
// Center of New York. Reverse Geocoding these coordinates will find City Hall Park
MapPos newYork = projection.fromLatLong(40.7128, -74.0059);
ReverseGeocodingRequest request = new ReverseGeocodingRequest(baseProjection, newYork);
float meters = 125.0f;
// Note: Reverse geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
GeocodingResultVector results = service.calculateAddresses(request);
var service = new TomTomOnlineReverseGeocodingService("<your-tomtom-token>");
// Center of New York. Reverse Geocoding these coordinates will find City Hall Park
MapPos newYork = projection.FromLatLong(40.7128, -74.0059);
var request = new ReverseGeocodingRequest(projection, newYork);
var meters = 125.0f;
request.SearchRadius = meters;
// Note: Reverse geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
GeocodingResultVector results = service.CalculateAddresses(request);
NTReverseGeocodingService* service = [[NTTomTomOnlineReverseGeocodingService alloc] initWithApiKey:@"<your-tomtom-key>"];
// Center of New York. Reverse Geocoding these coordinates will find City Hall Park
NTMapPos* newYork = [projection fromLat:40.7128 lng:-74.0059];
NTReverseGeocodingRequest* request = [[NTReverseGeocodingRequest alloc] initWithProjection:projection location:newYork];
float meters = 125.0f;
[request setSearchRadius:meters];
// Note: Reverse geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
NTGeocodingResultVector* results = [self.service calculateAddresses: request];
let service = NTTomTomOnlineReverseGeocodingService(apiKey: "<your-tomtom-key>")
// Center of New York. Reverse Geocoding these coordinates will find City Hall Park
let newYork = projection.fromLat(40.7128, lng: -74.0059)
let request = NTReverseGeocodingRequest(projection: projection, location: newYork)
let meters: Float = 125.0
// Note: Reverse geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
let results = service.calculateAddresses(request)
val service = TomTomOnlineReverseGeocodingService("<your-tomtom-key>")
// Center of New York. Reverse Geocoding these coordinates will find City Hall Park
val newYork = contentView?.projection?.fromLatLong(40.7128, -74.0059)
val request = ReverseGeocodingRequest(contentView?.projection, newYork)
val meters = 125.0f
request.searchRadius = meters
// Note: Reverse geocoding is a complicated process and should not be done on the main thread
val results = service?.calculateAddresses(request)
CARTO Mobile SDK also supports offline geocoding and reverse geocoding, In order to geocode offline, you must first download the required country geocoding data packages.
Note: You will not be able to geocode without downloaded data packages, and the geocoding packages are different from Offline Map packages, do not mix them up !
The list of country packages for geocoding is the same as other offline maps. See Offline Map Packages for the full list of offline packages. The download size of an offline geocoding package is somewhat smaller (10-40%) than the size of the corresponding offline map package.
First, you need to initialize a package manager and a listener to download packages, and then download package for the country what you need. See PackageManager page above to find more about offline packages. If relevant package(s) are downloaded and (reverse) geocoding service is ready, you can start geocoding:
Use your PackageManager
within PackageManagerReverseGeocodingService
or PackageManagerGeocodingService
as given in sample below. Then define the GeocodingRequest
and start geocoding using service’s calculateAddresses
and read response as GeocodingResult
, just as in Online Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding samples above.
// Note: Provide an absolute path for your geocoding package folder
CartoPackageManager packageManager = new CartoPackageManager("geocoding:carto.streets", "folder/geocodingpackages");
// Now define also PackageManagerListener and download your selected package or map area, wait via listener until it is downloaded!
// Geocoding service
PackageManagerGeocodingService service = new PackageManagerGeocodingService(packageManager);
// Reverse geocoding service
PackageManagerReverseGeocodingService service = new PackageManagerReverseGeocodingService(packageManager);
// Note: Provide an absolute path for your geocoding package folder
var packageManager = new CartoPackageManager("geocoding:carto.streets", "folder/geocodingpackages");
// Now define also PackageManagerListener and download your selected package or map area, wait via listener until it is downloaded!
// Geocoding service
var service = new PackageManagerGeocodingService(packageManager);
// Reverse geocoding service
var service = new PackageManagerReverseGeocodingService(packageManager);
// Note: Provide an absolute path for your geocoding package folder
NTCartoPackageManager* packageManager = [[NTCartoPackageManager alloc] initWithSource:@"geocoding:carto.streets" dataFolder:@"folder/geocodingpackages"];
// Now define also PackageManagerListener and download your selected package or map area, wait via listener until it is downloaded!
// Geocoding service
NTPackageManagerGeocodingService* service = [[NTPackageManagerGeocodingService alloc] initWithPackageManager:self.packageManager];
// Reverse geocoding service
NTPackageManagerReverseGeocodingService* service = [[NTPackageManagerReverseGeocodingService alloc] initWithPackageManager:self.packageManager];
// Note: Provide an absolute path for your geocoding package folder
let packageManager = NTCartoPackageManager(source: "geocoding:carto.streets", dataFolder: "folder/geocodingpackages")
// Now define also PackageManagerListener and download your selected package or map area, wait via listener until it is downloaded!
// Geocoding service
let service = NTPackageManagerGeocodingService(packageManager: packageManager)
// Reverse geocoding service
let service = NTPackageManagerReverseGeocodingService(packageManager: packageManager)
// Note: Provide an absolute path for your geocoding package folder
val packageManager = CartoPackageManager("geocoding:carto.streets", "folder/geocodingpackages")
// Now define also PackageManagerListener and download your selected package or map area, wait via listener until it is downloaded!
// Geocoding service
val service = PackageManagerGeocodingService(packageManager)
// Reverse geocoding service
val service = PackageManagerReverseGeocodingService(packageManager)