Upload files to your CARTO account and manipulate them by using a set of HTTP commands.
Feeling stuck? There are many ways to find help.
tag.If you just want to describe an issue or share an idea, just send your feedback
If you think you may have found a bug, or if you have a feature request that you would like to share with the Import API team, please open an issue.
Before opening an issue, review the contributing guidelines.
GIS Stack Exchange is the most popular community in the geospatial industry. This is a collaboratively-edited question and answer site for geospatial programmers and technicians. It is a fantastic resource for asking technical questions about developing and maintaining your application.
When posting a new question, please consider the following:
Engine Plan customers have additional support options beyond general community support. As per your account Terms of Service, you have access to enterprise-level support through CARTO’s support representatives available at enterprise-support@carto.com
In order to speed up the resolution of your issue, provide as much information as possible (even if it is a link from community support). This allows our engineers to investigate your problem as soon as possible.
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